Did you attend Coventry Boys & Girls Club (originally known as Coventry Boys Club)?

Coventry Boys and Girls Club has been a much-loved staple for young people in Coventry since the doors first opened in 1935. Since then, thousands of members have grown up with the club very close to their hearts. Many former members even went on to work at the CBGC or helped raise funds for future generations. In a few weeks’ time, a new chapter will begin.

As many of you will already know, Coventry Boys & Girls Club was given a unique opportunity to move into a new facility, just a few doors down the road. Our old building has served us well, but is really showing its age and we are very excited that our young people will be able to utilise a new venue, with new equipment, and a completely revamped offering.

Our old building is due to be demolished very soon and we want to say a fond farewell with as many old members as possible, as we look forward to a new start in 2019.

Were you a member at the club? Do you have fond memories of the club house on Whitefrairs Lane? We want to hear from you!

Please contact us via our website, or through social media. We would love to reconnect and you may even want to see the old building as it gets demolished. We’d love to hear from you, or see any old photos and share in your stories – so please get in touch!

old cbgc building


Contact Coventry Boys & Girls Club

2 + 14 =


Coventry Boys & Girls Club
50 Whitefriars Street

Tel: 02476 224975


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